Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Cross

Two years ago for Christmas Uncle Ken, Aunt Ashley, and the cousins gave Ford a Bible for Christmas.  It really is fabulous for kids.  Yes, some of the terminology was over his head at 2.5 years of age, but I would explain as we went.  Now that Ford is 4.5 he completely understands what we are reading.  He sits in “big church” with us every Sunday and flips through his Bible and always stops at the same place.
 He is infatuated with the story of Jesus dying on the cross.  I honestly believe we could read it to him 5 times a day and he would still want to know more.
 The picture of Jesus on the cross upsets Ford.  He wants to know WHY the Roman soldiers put him on the cross and hurt him.  Explaining “sin” to a child can be difficult, but Trey and I try to always answer his questions as best as we can.
 I am so glad Ford loves the Lord and is eager to learn more and more.
 Onto a lighter note, “school”.  I get excited about packing Ford’s lunchbox and snack.  Sometimes I leave him surprises like sweet-tarts or notes that say I love you.  One thing I always have in his lunchbox is a cute napkin.  When I taught school every Friday I would pass out a newsletter which I called The Weekly Letter to my students.  This was all the information they needed to know about what would be going on the next week at school, spelling words, vocabulary words, and reminders.  My students looked forward to their weekly letter because it was always on cute paper.  I didn't go with plain-boring white copy paper.  Oh no!!!  We had fancy paper each week.  It was also easy for them to locate it in their folder when we needed to refer to something.  I miss my weekly letters, but for now I get to be excited about packing cute napkins!
 Ford spent some time coloring a tractor yesterday.  He was pleased with his work and wanted me to document it.
 Today we went to see a friend who works with horses.  My boys love animals so I knew this field trip would be a success.  We started off by feeding each horse a treat.  Both boys found this activity to be very enjoyable.  Oh yes, and Ford decided to get in character too....notice his attire!!!
 Next, they both got two turns to ride Norman who was a 12 year old horse and very gentle.     
 And lastly, we got to see Jessie get a bath!     
 Our church was ready to print a new directory and we all had to sign up for a family photo shoot.  Ours was pretty much disastrous and ended rather quickly.  Before we left John Brantley had a fit to wear his crocs.  Who knew they would show in the picture!!!????
New blog below…..

1 comment:

Maria said...

So glad to see these updates! I needed my "fix" of the funny happenings of the Lamar Boys!

I miss y'all and hope to see you soon.

Love and prayers for everyone!


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